Home » Commentary » Opinion » Why Millennials should be optimistic
· The Sydney Morning Herald
I commiserate with Millennials. They are a generation that is deeply pessimistic about their circumstances, with several predictions of doom hovering over them: escalating debt, growing nativism and populism, proliferating nuclear weapons, rising temperatures and of course the kicker – exploding population.
Hardly a day goes by without someone – a pundit, a professor, a politician – fretting and wailing that there are just too many people around these days.
Young people should cheer up. A good start would be to recognise that earlier doom-mongering predictions about population growth have not been fulfilled.
When I was born in 1971, there were roughly 3.76 billion people in the world. Today, there are roughly 7.63 billion people. Throughout the 1970s, several distinguished thinkers alleged that such a growth in global population would produce the collapse of civilisation. Unless we cut back – way back – doom would surely be nigh.
As it happens, this month marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of the most prominent environmental scare-mongering thesis: Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb. It was published in May 1968, and it began with the words: “The battle to feed all humanity is over. In the 1970s, the world will undergo famines – hundreds of millions of people will starve to death.”
Humanity, it was asserted, was exceeding the Earth’s “carrying capacity”. Every ill, it seemed, was the result of exploding populations across the globe.
Ehrlich’s book sold 3 million copies and his thesis helped define the intellectual climate of the era. The threat of the population explosion, we were told, was settled science.
In 1970, Harvard biologist George Wald warned: “Civilisation will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”
In 1972, the Club of Rome’s report called Limits to Growth predicted that the world would run out of gold, tin, mercury, silver and oil within two decades.
Robert McNamara, the then-World Bank president, likened “rampant population growth” to thermonuclear holocaust, which justified throwing tens of millions of development dollars into state-mandated population control.
Needless to say, none of this came to pass. Human ingenuity, economic growth and technological progress saved the day. Modern farming techniques aka the Green Revolution – including an expansion of irrigation and use of fertilisers and pesticides to achieve and sustain higher yields – caused both reliable harvests and spectacular output.
As a result, things have been getting better for almost everyone, including in developing nations, by almost any measure: life expectancy, infant mortality, literacy, access to clean water. Contrary to the doomsayers of the 1970s, food production per capita continues to increase while the real prices of food decline.
However, in the past decade an intriguing development has taken place: global population growth is shifting towards population decline.
Most of the world is experiencing declining fertility rates. At the same time, according to UN projections, by 2050, the combined working-age population of the world’s advanced economies will shrink 5 per cent. The ranks of workers in China and Russia will also decline. All this as retirees live longer lives. Perhaps the real threat to our future is that we are not having enough babies!
Which brings us back to Ehrlich, whose neo-Malthusian forecasts of mass starvation and dramatically reduced lives expectancies have proven profoundly wrong. He turns 85 this week and is still peddling doom, even though he lost a famous bet in 1980 that the prices of five resources would rise in a decade.
In an interview in The Guardian in March, he warned that, thanks to overpopulation and overconsumption, the collapse of civilisation is a “near certainty” within decades. However, if you detest capitalism, it is all too appealing to read an impending apocalypse into every public-policy challenge our market economy faces. Millennials would be better off ignoring the alarmists and assessing the evidence: technological progress and economic growth have made our lives around the world much better than we realise.
Tom Switzer is executive director for the Centre for Independent Studies and a presenter at the ABC’s Radio National.
Why Millennials should be optimistic