Morrison can unite a splintering Liberal Party - The Centre for Independent Studies

Morrison can unite a splintering Liberal Party

The Liberal Party, which has produced two of our nation’s greatest prime ministers, this week resembled nothing so much as a pub brawl. Everyone, however grand or obscure, felt entitled to join in.

Talk has been rife that the party of Robert Menzies and John Howard will split. Unless Liberals regain their will to govern and their ability to connect with the Australian people, that fate looks frighteningly likely.

A useful cliche holds that every cloud has a silver lining. If so, the resolution of the Liberal leadership stand-off offers the chance of a way forward for the party.

The mainstream of conservative opinion did not believe that Malcolm Turnbull represented them and what they believed in. He was always out of kilter with them, irreparably so, and there was no point in his prolonging the agony. The party leadership and administration had its head in the sand over just how disaffected many one-time Liberals were. At the 2016 election, about a million conservatives refused to cast votes for the Liberal party.

Now all Scott Morrison has to do is to sort out the ghastly mess he has inherited. Of course, the new Prime Minister must bring into his team people from all wings of the party. But they have to accept that the Liberal Party, as Peter Costello says, is the custodian of the centre-right tradition. That means inviting both Tony Abbott and Peter Dutton to high-level cabinet posts.

Morrison is highly experienced. As immigration minister from 2013 to 2015, he toughened up border protection to boost public confidence in our successful, non-discriminatory immigration intake. (The US and Europe are in awe.) And as treasurer from 2015, and notwithstanding an interventionist budget in 2016, he pushed pro-growth policies to capitalise on the record jobs surge and infrastructure boom.

A sound governing agenda would include conventional Liberal policies, such as cutting tax and spending, strengthening law and order, reducing red tape and, according to most Australians, cutting immigration. Practically speaking, though, Morrison’s government won’t be able to achieve all that much in coming months. The main goal for the rest of the government’s tenure should therefore be to set the stage for the next election.

Still, Morrison must avoid the old accusation of being in office but not in power. A good start would be to distinguish himself from his immediate predecessor by resonating with what John Howard once called “the decent conservative mainstream of Australia”.

 That means pressing for popular ideas even if they can’t be put into law. The side that picks the issues dominates the political debate. Advantage lies with the Bully Pulpit, if the new PM will use it. Why not ramp up the culture wars?

In recent times, the progressive left has been especially noisy and polarising, using social media to push politically correct agendas around perceived racism, sexism and homophobia and denounce those with whom they disagree as morally wicked. And it is winning the battle.

Almost daily, we read about another institution — a school or a university or a company – either promoting or pandering to a politically correct agenda in the name of “diversity”.

Even though Australia has never been more diverse, the contemporary public discourse is increasingly dominated by the cult of identity politics, which seeks to divide people along racial, gender and sexual lines.

 Although identity politics is a far bigger issue in American politics, its censorious influence is growing in this country: think of the campaign to change Australia Day from January 26, or the refusal of some of our best universities to teach the history of Western civilisation to Australian students.

Morrison should rail against the tyranny of political correctness and divisive identity politics. In doing so, he should take a leaf out of Howard’s book and remind fellow citizens that defending the things that unite us all are more important in a democratic society than our differences, especially our shared freedoms of speech, thought and conscience.

In this battle, a combative Morrison would aggravate the metropolitan sophisticates, who never vote Liberal in any case. He would also be denounced as polarising, as if the present political environment is not polarising enough.

However, a counter-offensive to identity politics is likely to attract the floating voters in marginal seats in Queensland and Western Australia that the Coalition must keep and win. Nobody ever succeeded as prime minister by being liked. Being respected, capable and tough are what really matters.

The Coalition’s electoral prospects look increasingly grim. However, low expectations are a priceless political asset. If Morrison stands up for more traditional values, he will unite his party and resonate with ordinary Australians who will determine his government’s fate.

Tom Switzer is executive director of The Centre for Independent Studies and a presenter on ABC Radio National.