Cancel culture erases history and fuels social division! - The Centre for Independent Studies

Cancel culture erases history and fuels social division!

Today, our way of life is endangered by a toxic totalitarian threat. A growing, malignant disease that undermines a free and liberal society. Livelihoods are lost, reputations ruined.

This deeply, damaging illiberal mindset is called cancel culture. In a healthy liberal democracy, contentious issues are debated, not dictated. We should not be forced to conform to a standardised opinion or ideology.

But let’s remember, the loud, angry mob are still a minority. We must have the courage to stand up against cancel culture; recognise and denounce it when it rears its ugly head or it will permanently disfigure the foundations of our society. Cancel culture wins when it shames or scares enough people to make the rest conform. If we fail to protect the marketplace of ideas and the culture, values and history we enjoy, we forfeit our right to those hard-won freedoms long ago.