Nuclear Energy in Australia: Aidan Morrison vs. Simon Holmes à Court - The Centre for Independent Studies

Nuclear Energy in Australia: Aidan Morrison vs. Simon Holmes à Court

In this compelling debate, Aidan Morrison from the Centre for Independent Studies (CIS) and Simon Holmes à Court, a leading renewable energy advocate, face off to discuss the role of nuclear energy in Australia’s energy future. With rising pressure to reduce emissions, the nation grapples with balancing energy security, environmental sustainability, and economic feasibility.

Morrison argues that the energy ministers and regulators are dishonest in their estimates and build models with unrealistic emission targets that don’t take all costs into consideration. Holmes à Court counters with a strong case for renewable energy sources, highlighting the urgency to accelerate decarbonization.

This insightful debate sheds light on one of the most critical and divisive topics in the global energy conversation. We hope you enjoy.