On Liberty EP14 Trying times, federal politics in an age of political outrage - The Centre for Independent Studies

On Liberty EP14 Trying times, federal politics in an age of political outrage

Earlier in 2020, Prime Minister Scott Morrison was under fire for his handling of the bushfires, floods and sports funding scandals. Yet, on the eve of the federal Eden-Monaro by-election, he enjoys high approval ratings while the Coalition edges narrowly ahead in national approval. So the question is, how has the Morrison Government managed this pandemic-endued crisis and will it lead us back to prosperity? What lessons from history can we learn? Indeed, is Morrison the clever leader like Menzies who by his principles, political skills, and unrelenting effort, resisted some of the unwise popular orthodoxies of his time, promoted considerable change and founded modern Australia? Or is Morrison a sheep in sheep’s clothing, leading a government of least resistance to the incessant demands now being made on modern government every day?