What Really Happened in Wuhan - The Centre for Independent Studies

What Really Happened in Wuhan

Has China’s suppression of information of what happened in Wuhan mean we will never know the origins of the outbreak? Throughout the past 18-months, the conventional explanation for this pandemic has been that the virus spilled over from animals to humans in the wet markets of Wuhan.

Yet, the origins of Covid-19 remain unknown. Yet as the news of an outbreak in Wuhan broke, the Chinese military took control. Gagging laboratory insiders, preventing access to data, and even objecting to calls for an international enquiry. All this has led to uncertainty about any role, that the laboratory played in causing the pandemic. Recently, when President Biden ordered intelligence agencies to investigate whether it might have escaped from a Wuhan lab, the media started taking the theory seriously.

In 2021, Award-winning journalist Sharri Markson released her book What Really Happened in Wuhan (HarperCollins). That year in September, Sharri and Sky News Australia released secured the first sit-down interview for an Australian broadcast media outlet with Donald Trump since he was elected president in 2016 and release a documentary.

Sharri spent more than a year investigating the potential leak of the virus from a top-secret laboratory in Wuhan.