A Democratic wave or Trump triumph? - The Centre for Independent Studies
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Date & Time

Wednesday, 7 November - Wednesday, 7 November 2018
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm AEDT

A Democratic wave or Trump triumph?

The night of the 2018 election to discuss the results of the midterms and what they mean for American politics and foreign policy.

US midterm elections are usually bad for the President’s party, but amid a booming economy meant 2018 congressional races were more difficult to predict.

The jobless rate recently fell to 3.7 per cent (the lowest since 1969) and the stock market (shrugging off the Trump tariffs) keeps surging to new highs. Meanwhile, both Republicans and Democrats will used Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court to fuel enthusiasm and turnout for the midterms.

Tom Switzer moderated the discussion alongside Greg Sheridan is foreign editor of The Australian; Bob Carr, a former foreign minister, is director of the Australia-China Relations Institute; and April Palmerlee is chief executive officer of the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia.