An Evening with Konstantin Kisin - The Centre for Independent Studies
Tuesday, 27 February 2024
6:00pm - 7:30pm AWST
Wednesday, 28 February 2024
6:00pm - 7:30pm AEDT
Wednesday, 6 March 2024
6:00pm - 7:30pm AEDT

An Evening with Konstantin Kisin

Join us in Perth (Feb 27), Melbourne (Feb 28) or Sydney (Mar 6), as we host Konstantin Kisin live events across Australia. This event will be moderated by CIS Education Policy Director, Glenn Fahey. The pair will discuss matters that many of us think but hesitant to speak up about such as the eerie progression of the identity politics, raging cancel culture and weakening liberalism.

The free and open societies of the West are under threat – not from a foreign invader, but from illiberalism within. The retreat to offence-free safe spaces, the censorship from cancel culture, the ignorance of echo chambers, and the toxicity of identity politics are all symptoms of a siege on liberalism. The dismissal of our civilisational accomplishments undermines our hard-earned prosperity, while corroding civility, destroying trust, and fuelling discord.

Young people hold increasingly illiberal views. CIS research shows, more than half of polled millennials have a favourable view of socialism as a form of government, indicating a disregard of the successes, and advancements that free markets and open societies have delivered. With seemingly few promoters of liberal values for the next generation, our future prosperity is at risk.

Has liberalism lost its appeal? In pluralistic societies, do some groups deserve more of a voice than others? Can we ever learn to civilly disagree? Have we forgotten the failures from socialist experiments gone by?

Konstantin Kisin is a British-Russian political commentator and comedian who co-hosts the TRIGGERnometry podcast. He is author of An Immigrant’s Love Letter to the West. Last year, he addressed the Oxford Union with a speech on Woke Culture, and recently spoke at the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference in London.

Glenn Fahey is director of education at the Centre for Independent Studies, where his research covers all areas of education policy and practice. Glenn is a regular writer on education for the Australian Financial Review and commentator across all major news media. Prior to joining CIS, Glenn has held research and policy positions at the Centre for Education Research and Innovation (OECD), Institute for Public Policy and Governance (UTS), and Australian Treasury.