Samuel Gregg - The Centre for Independent Studies

Samuel Gregg

Dr. Samuel Gregg is a moral philosopher who has written and spoken extensively on questions of ethics in public policy, jurisprudence, and bioethics. He has an MA in political philosophy from the University of Melbourne, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in moral philosophy from the University of Oxford.

He is the author of several books, including Morality, Law, and Public Policy (2000), and, most recently, On Ordered Liberty (2003). He also publishes regularly in journals such as Markets and Morality and Crisis.

He is the American editorial consultant for the Italian journal, La Societa, as well as American correspondent for the German newspaper Die Tagespost. Dr. Gregg is Director of Research at the Acton Institute, a Visiting Professor at the John Paul II Pontifical Institute for Marriage and the Family, and a consultant for Oxford Analytica Ltd. In 2001, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.