Inquiry into measurement and outcome-based funding in New South Wales schools - The Centre for Independent Studies

Inquiry into measurement and outcome-based funding in New South Wales schools

The Portfolio Committee on Education in the NSW Legislative Council has set up an inquiry into measurement of outcomes in schools, and proposals for outcome-based funding. The inquiry has been prompted by school funding based on inputs failing to improve education outcomes — as CIS has long outlined, how money is spent is more important than how much is spent.

This alternative approach seeks for funding to be connected to outcomes, and that these outcomes be measured appropriately.

The CIS conducts research into school funding approaches to influence policies which deliver most effectively, efficiently, and to the benefit of all students.

Our research proposes that an outcomes-based funding approach could include more flexible pay for teachers, including rewards and sanctions based on performance. This would improve education outcomes, empower school leaders, enhance teachers’ careers, and better allocate funding.